Stupid time to buy 964?
Repairing vacheron case
Lighting and color palletes?
Do I approach investors? Do I apply to accelerator programs?
School skiing club
Using Beulr/AI Clones?
Should I do this to my battery terminal?
Who would win this hypothetical war?
Afghanistan was for the Soviets what Vietnam was to the US
UCLA can't allow protesters to block Jewish students from campus, judge rules
Mexican prosecutors — and the president — now say they are considering bringing treason charges against those who handed drug lord ‘El Mayo’ Zambada over.
NOTE to Incoming Freshman: DON'T study Computer Science
[Serious] Does anyone else feel like the California hate has gone too far? I support the banter, but a lot of it seems to be actual hate and we shouldn't feel that towards our fellow Americans
Harris responds to Gaza protesters at rally: ‘I am speaking now’
The dog attacker has been found…
Microsoft say OpenAI is now a competitor
A truly randomly chosen number would likely include a colossal number of digits.
Yellow jackets should not exist
Love it or leave it
How I would divide up the USA by region. Thoughts?
What don't they tell you about college admissions?
ULPT: When making a restaurant reservation, give a slightly-altered celebrity name and you'll get better treatment.
Day 1/1 of 2american4you changes the map! EVERY SINGLE comment changes America!
CMV: Democrats should hold an open convention (meaning Biden steps aside) and nominate one of their popular midwestern candidates