Mordor is Florida and Rohan is Alabama?
As an American I wish I could get this Canadian brand. The simple packaging is everything to me
Adam Sandler at the Oscars
The clearest image of Saturn ever taken
The bane of my existence
I think we as a community ARE NOT mentally and financially ready for summer time events
Magneto was right
Whats a gun that when you picked it up and used it once and were like "this is my main gun now" (image unrelated)
Thraxans, Humans, etc... Just not other Viltrumites
The corrosion on this faucet looks like a map
Jean Hilliard
Why did they create "Man Who Giggles?" Are they 14?
Netflix getting more and more fun
He rolled a nat 20
Life-Size Karlach Print
On Valentine's Day, BG3 characters are asking you out on a date. Take a screenshot to find out who is asking you, and share in the comments how your date will go(you can't say NO)!
Always so conveniently left out... come on, showcase them in your game you cowards
Have a happy Valentine's Day
Another single year
Idk man
Kendrick Lamar
I have seen god and he is upset.