POV: your one for all pick finally gets to be chosen
What can I do against Thornmail?
Please tell me diamond it's better
Afk punishment.
No Varus nerfs?
ARAM high elo sucks
Cleanse nerfs
Patch Notes 6.0d
Veigar Support needs to be talked about more
Found a supp main that never buys supp item
Multi game search function.
Tips for newbies
Probably one of the most fun matches I've had with swain
Your most played champ and how many matches?
why Himerdinger isn't in one for all??
How about a 'Go Next' setting for faster game access?
Ranged top
Collector is bait on Akshan
Is there a "comeback" archetype?
Does anyone else only win top lane against ranged if your jg ganks?
The rare 100%
Got any suggestions for champions to try?
What champion do you ABSOLUTELY FEAR in skirmishes(team fights)
1-10 how bad is this yasuo
Divine sunderer Shyvana seems to be unkilliable late game in bot matches. Does that translate to real ones too?