How would this couple be written by the Disventure Writers?
TWDG's Ultimate MENACE #14: JANE vs ABEL
Tomarrow marks the one year anniversary of all-stars
What is your favorite moment from your least favorite character?
Which actress can pull off the role of Felicia Hardy (Black Cat)?
Season 3 is better than Season 4
I don't understand why people hate Eric so much. I get that he distanced himself from his wife, but why all the hate if he stayed faithful the whole time and it was actually Rachel who cheated on him?
Feelings about Dominion
Danny Rolling was an American serial killer known as the Gainesville Ripper who killed 8 people in Louisiana and Florida between November 1989 and August 1990. Rolling was charged with the Gainesville murders in November 1991/sentenced to death in 1994/executed in 2006. These are the victims below:
Which movie/show has you like this?
Which animated show has you like this?
Until Dawn - 4K Red Band Trailer | In Theaters April 25th
What are some horror franchises where the first installment is NOT the best?
Biggest All-Stars contestants hater results!
What’s one Total Drama season you can always rewatch?
Why is Daphne considered the damsel in distress
Movies everybody seems to love but, you didn’t enjoy.
Why do I feel like jared might deal with the all stars criticism the same way this guy delt with criticism (upvote if you know what show it is)
This episode is non canon
What do you think is the scariest sound effect ever created?
The most misunderstood characters 🥹
Who's a better finalist?
On February 16th 1981, Arne Cheyenne Johnson killed his landlord Alan Bono. The case was referred to as ‘’The Devil Made Me Do It’’ case as the defence tried to claim Arne was under the influence of demonic possession
which do you prefer: the monsters are real or masked criminals?
What do you guys think of Trolls: World Tour?
why do so many people hate jane?