Is teacher harder now then it was back then?
How are your babies sleeping 5-7 hours a night?????
Veah wants to “Make America Great Again and Healthy Again!” 🤔
Pediatrician recommended alimentum for sons reflux. However, I heard good things about Enfamil AR. Which one worked for your baby?
The infamous dress turns a decade old this year
Monique celebrated her losing 100 pounds with cupcakes!
What are things you’ve bought for your class that are a must?
6 week old arches back while eating but no other reflux symptoms like throwing up. What else could it be?
Just Graduated, and Full of Regret
Cameras or no cameras....looking for all perspectives
Dear Black people,
I wish Brittany and Marcelino would have worked out
Thinking of getting my dual licensure in elementary genEd and specialEd. What’s been your experience?
What’s an ECE hill that you refuse to die on
My marketplace plan was terminated in June when I got on Medicaid. Hospital and Medicaid claiming my plan wasn’t terminated until last month. How to sort this out?
Two observations about Justine
Why won’t people in education admit some people are born smarter than others?
WGU New Policies
What is your red flag when looking for a center to work at?
This is so freaking over. They need a new word for over
I work at a recreational type of center with a "kid watch". It's not licensed, so ratio doesn't matter.
Scared of c-section
Can I please join the cast?!
Pleasssse get a haircut. Trim your ends. Something. I beg you.
My mom is very critical of the decisions that I make