A fluff in the light.
Cadbury on watch (*plays Lionel Richie’s “Hello”*)
rest in peace Fleur ❤️ you gave me the best 2 years of my life, ily. (PSA to everyone battling snuffles, carefully consider injections as a treatment method. My vet did not tell me the risk was high and unfortunately my sweet girl paid the price.)
If you could remove one thing from the entire world to make it a better place, what would it be?
Can y’all say a prayer or send good vibes? He may have stasis.
off to bunny heaven you go, my perfect girl mocha
Hold your buns close tonight. My little guy just hopped the rainbow bridge after 7 wonderful years together. RIP RALPH 💔
Rest in peace salty, I love you so much girl. 6 years of pure joy
My bunny is sick. The vet put him on two different meds. I'm so worried about him. 😭
RIP my small friend ❤️ 15.5.2011-13.7.2021
My Little Floof, Rocko
Find Mac: Dog Taken by Con Woman Dog Sitter in Jersey City Area
This pup is still missing in the Hoboken/JC area. Please keep an eye out!
The sweetest boy, 14 years old, RIP 7/7/21
Dog kidnapped from dogsitter - more information in comments
Rocko loves taking the paper and placing it down aggressively