Mirrors - Beneath The Sand
Who, in your humble opinion, is currently writing some of the best guitar solos in the genre?
Lost Trees - Petal Dance (FFO: I See Stars, We Came As Romans)
Unpopular or controversial albums that you really like?
Bloom - Bound to Your Whispers
Robert Navajas - SUICIDE NOTE (Official Music Video) [4K]
Ghost Chant - I Know Everything (FFO: Counterparts, No Home)
Butterfly pattern of urine indicates Luigi may have been curled in the fetal position when it happened.
TO KILL ACHILLES - Luna et Altum
Is anyone else getting pure gibberish out of Remi lyric generator?
A V-shaped bed invented in 1932, supporting the body perfectly at every point and thus promotes better rest.
Anime that emotionally moved you
Do you guys like ERRA?
What would you consider the most un-anime, anime?
Coolest battle scene in any anime ever?
The Color Morale - Suicide;Stigma
What other bands do you know of that have similar vocals to Jack Murray (156/Silence)?
I’ll give your favorite band a listen and tell you a song I enjoyed from them
Calling All Captains - Loyalty (FFO: Beartooth, Easycore)
I Built The Sky - Up Into The Ether (FFO: Instrumental Metal)
The Contortionist - Flourish
Keepsake (AU) - Stargazing (FFO: Counterparts, melodic hardcore)
Underrated Album?
Weeping Hour - Weeping Hour (FFO: Invent Animate)