Here’s just a photo I took today of my hair I really like. Enjoy.
“Fuck everything” metal
I’ve been doing an hour of cardio a day
Someone in my gym walked by me and said “war cult supremacy “ as he walked past as fuck some dude in the middle of Oregon likes conqueror
This is the part where my mind goes blank.
He couldn’t handle it
Sophia Leone getting proned
wait for it…
My girlfriend let me fuck her bestfriend
Making love faces
Yesterday was my first day back in the gym since February, yesterday I ran/jogged an hour, and today I did the same thing. On the right track.
Gnaw their tongues-I speak the truth yet with every word uttered thousands die released 2020
Yesterday was my first day back in the gym since February, yesterday I ran/jogged an hour, and today I did the same thing. On the right track. [image]
Second day back in the gym since February,ran/jogged two hours in the last two days [image]
Last nights haul
Finally own this classic
Am I the only one who felt so uncomfortable during the scene where Marie jacks off Hank?
I have this original Black Sabbath vinyl,but I have not seen the center label of the record on any discog listing. Does anyone know when this press came out?
Incantation-upon the throne of apocalypse released 1994
Look what I just pre-ordered!
Within the realm of a dying son-dead can dance released 1987
Weregoat Worship