Hey Fairtrade can anyone trade with me. Please and thank u 😊 hope u all have a wonderful rest of your day ….
LF blitzcards, my last 2 for the album!
Anyone want to do an even swap for the Gold Blitz tomorrow?
Fairtrade it’s my birthday today…. Can anyone please help me out with a card… I do have a couple trades left… 1:1 thanks so much and I hope u all have a 😃 today….
Trading 3/4*
Prestige album trade?
Sticker boom 💥blows i just wanted merch mania and got this. 🤬 really mogo.
Prestige trading
LF Sandy Shells & Human Canvas
Have vs need. These are the last two I’m looking for before I’m gold locked
Trading 1:1
Need Blushing Star
Hello my fam its DIRTY THIRTY time and today will be simple pic a number any number lol and make sure you put a donkey emoji beside your number with no emoji no entry as always please upvote and good luck all!!!!!!
Looking to make a trade.
Lf a vision to own
LF Faux Paw or 5 Star Card
for either?
Lf any 5⭐️
LF any 2 of these for A Vision to Own
Anyone have commissioned to trade?
Any trades?