Your last 10?
People lave for a reason
I haven't felt this much fun since Battlefield 3 first came out.
Hag 222 gives birth
Warfare players, after the update you can now choose maps it looks like.
Can any1 explain to me how I got hit from this distance through the fcking walls? This player had 0 chance to even know I'm there.
i miss the nuggets. they removed them from my location 😭😭😭
20 Years On: Battlefield 2: Modern Combat Still Packs 24-Player Lobbies!
Season 2 New Features, Vehicle Balance Changes and Gameplay Changes
My son wanted that Chinese fighting game with Yakuza and stuff for his birthday. I'm going to suprise him tomorrow.
I'm not crazy, right?
Roki Sasaki has informed Rangers he will be signing elsewhere, per person familiar with process.
Have I been scammed? Where's my other 0.02Hz?
These Pho flavoured candies...
I'm Surprised!
Is this banneable?
LMGs feels soo out of place in this game
Today, I cheated on Pho with the hotter, spicier cousin 😅
Anyone ever had Guaraná Antarctica?
[Azarly] Clippers-Heat game is expected to be played tomorrow as planned, the Clippers say via the NBA.
Overtime - What's the deal with it?
Rate my current stash
Is this rare?
California is good
M4A1 or CI-19?