What is the best YouTube video of all time?
What is a bad habit you know you have but really struggle to stop doing?
England 25 - I miss having the connections where you click with someone, anyone else? ♡
Have the quality of tv/cartoons deteriorated over the years? Why?
What level of toastiness do you like your toast to be? Why?
[Chat][Friendship]UK -25- are you looking for a friend like me?
Boyfriend’s wack little brother.
What is the most common question asked on this subreddit which you see again and again?
23F - Would love to enjoy my Friday evening/night with you! (pulling an all-nighter). Down to text/vc/game/listen to music with and spark up:)
What is the one thing in this generation that makes you think, where did we go wrong?
Who is the most overrated music artist of all time?
26f from England. Honestly, I’m really sad and I can’t sleep. I would love some hopefully long lasting friendships
21 / PC / In need of some gaming buddies (that can maybe evolve into good friends ;)
Hi f20 looking for new friends
What would be your go-to weapon during a zombie apocalypse?
If it were under your control, what is the one thing you would remove from the world?