Nino’s Baby Mamas
lenu and lila were TWO PRETTY BEST FRIENDS
Should I read if I already watched?
First 100 commenters will get a free subscription to my OF 🔥🔥💦
My unhinged ex-friend booked the same flight as me to “join” me on my solo trip
Crazy ex-friend is starting to show stalker tendencies. Is there anything I can do or do I just have to “wait it out”?
So people can just say they r*ped your mom? Or will do it? And they don't even get banned? Mods don't remove this, it's important
How sick people can be!
AIO for exposing finishercar1?
Update: my racist ex-friend apologised to me and suggested we should do a 3some to make peace
how do I know if I’m out of touch or not?
Muškarci, kako biste voljeli da vas žena "startuje"?
Momci za Pentagon
My grandpa warming a newborn pig by furnace:).
Gdje žive najlijepši ljudi u Hrvatskoj?
Is MLBB actually dying?
Kakva su vaša iskustva s psihoterapeutima? Je li vam terapija pomogla?
Devojke, koji tip predigre vas najvise lozi?
Work with all budgets...
My brother wants to name his baby after his ex
We are all fucked.
Dating a Syrian Man