Why don’t vampires have osteoporosis?
How many times has this happened to you?
Any feedback on how I could give this idle animation a bit more character? She is armless for game dev reasons lol
Ciri, 72x72
purple bunny print 🐇
Can you help me find a clear protective case that will fit my iPod?
my sister just sent me this... should i be concerned? /j
Is it normal to miss my mom even after everything she did to me?
What’s your “I did not care for the Godfather” in Akira?
Are you guys disabled in your dreams?
You're his lawyer: defend him.. *Rockstar* lestat specifically
Tips to stop body armoring?
Dungeon shopkeeper (by me @chestnutrice.art)
Anyone else get under the skin itch??
Don't look
Guys, you gotta stop with the memes, please
I'm new to pixel art and made these albums in pixel form, tried to focus on communicating the essentials. Id love some feedback. Ill leave the reference photos after my pixel art ones.
Finally joined the Club
Good question...
Not much to wonder.
Hurting today. Also frustrated with having to choose either PTSD or chronic pain treatment.
My PE teacher hates me
Explain your disability badly
We seriously need to talk about toxic positivity.
You should try to learn the generic names of your medication
Is this not a normal amount of makeup to own? Friends and family poke fun that I own a store.