Wondering if a bike would be a cheap alternative vehicle
Is my routine good for a beginner?
Joint in my finger hurts while lifting
Girlfriend and I broke up today and I'm completely lost
Broke up with my girlfriend and I don't know what to do now
Dudes, what is something that surprised you about gals when you first started dating/had a relationship with?
/r/GYM Daily Simple Questions and Misc Discussion Thread - January 01, 2024
The Emperor protects, but having a loaded bolter never hurt either
Seems like social media is a requirement
Im so lonely that I imagine im having conversations with people to keep myself from going insane.
I feel like I don't belong in society.
Me (M18) am confused about a girl (F18)
What is your secret sexual fantasy that you wouldn’t tell anyone in person?
What part of sex is the least enjoyable for you?
What is your fetish?
which is your pick werewolf or vampire?
Fog during my run. Thought it looked pretty spooky lol
Advice about high heart rate while running needed
A giraffe will give you 20 million dollars if you can get yourself fired from your job in the next 2 work days. You can't quit, so what horse shit will you do to get fired?
H9 band tracking unusually high calorie burn
Men of reddit, what shouldn't men be judged for doing?
what are some healthy coping mechanisms?
"It's easier to get a gun than it is to get therapy", what is your opinion on this statement?
What’s your best hygiene advice to give?
Does adopting a pet help?