I need some advice (nuke)
Nah this was funny
this was in my lind chocolate today
Handsomepete777 said he would sell what? 😂 he must be with ohpee8 🌈 crew
Insane bravery and mad respect to this man, calling an airstrike on himself
Kid being brought up into sky by a kite today in Taiwan
The system is full of hoarders but don't worry it'll trickle down soon.
Threatening domestic terrorism to own the libs
This is what my drinking water looks like too. Far worse before I started recording.!
Family's boat sunk by wake from pro-Trump boat parade in Portland, OR
Chad Auzie mate
Baltimore Cop Holds Gun To Man’s Head During An Arrest!
John Lewis crossing the bridge at Selma one last time
7 signs youre getting better at raping
Enjoy this one. Dumbest one yet
This guy not only flies a swastika and confederate flag outside of his house, but he pulls these stunts, too. Claims to be a "collector of history" but only seems to pick the losing sides.
Sorry I had to do it
The protests will continue until Breonna Taylor's killers are brought to justice! ✊
Start 'em Young (Face blurred to protect the innocent)
My new Mastamo puppy
I don’t know who needs to hear this but.....
My 8 week old Mastimo pup 😍
Ahhh yes, a classic kinder egg