Just got this yesterday
People who work night shifts, what are some of the perks of it that no one talks about?
13 call offs and 1 customer
Who’s calling off work today?
Hampton/Gravois Lot During Starm
What is one food that's basic in terms of ingredients and recipe, but you adore?
Diamond Water
Anyone know where I can get victor’s sweater?
Weight gyms in StL - cost
Sam Sulek CCTV footage
Edited- finished my 1st rewatch, that's my rank, change my mind ( Based only on entertainment and not personality)
Does anyone have a post dispatch copy from 7/30 ?
Do any of these ladies actually look after their own children ..nannies nannies nannies ...jeez ...
DAE feel like their body isn't absorbing the food they're eating? Is this a IBS symptom?
Bismuth not working, what now?
Monmouth poll: 46% of Americans struggle financially amid inflation
Flying solo for the first time. I’m so scared.
Have you ever been able to alleviate symptoms by changing your mindset/mental health?
Morningstar frozen food prices at Schnucks vs target vs fresh thyme
Spotify is increasing prices again- Still no mention of paying artists more
First job
Does sam have a doctor who follows him on his steroid journey?
It’s men’s mental health month. How are you?
Schnucks now sells a Red Hot Riplet Chocolate Long John.