ideas for getting this plastic bag out of the top of this tree...
It must have cost him a fortune buying hundreds of cubes
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
Let the world know
AIO - My partner and children’s mum won’t move with me
Never shared in public before…
I am excitied to announce....
Scariest fighter to ever exist
Please don’t have a life
A joke that's not funny
Concrete driveway in front of sidewalk entrance
Climbing A 1900ft TV Tower For Sunrise
i accidentally put a hole in my wall how should i fix it without my parents noticing (i’m 15)
Is this a cause for concern? Seen at a new residential building viewing
Old house 1920s built, your opinion please
rate my survival space
Bleacher slab
Wladamir Klitschko Potentially Returning to the Ring at 48 years old.
train incoming
Advice Needed: Loose Fence Posts After Installation in Cold Weather
Tapping line
Ruined ?
Toilet boardroom prank
22 M slightly acoustic