What is your number one side effect from lamictal/lamotrigen?
Saw this and found it interesting
Medication for tics?
Everyone comment what meds they're on
Started Bupropion for Anxiety, Just Realized It’s Contraindicated for Epilepsy—Feeling Anxious and Unsure What to Do
My diagnosis is F25
Isn‘t the neurologist suppost to do test‘s ?
Anybody have verbal ticks?
I was reading ‘Surviving Schizophrenia’
How do moms of teenagers with seizures cope with their anxiety and constant vigilence?
I have a question, what does this sound like to you guys?
Cymbalta experiences?
For the autistic ladies, I'm sorry I forgot to share this earlier
Yesterday my physiologist said “good news? I don’t think you have OCD.”
Can Copropraxia be harmful or even lethal?
I just got diagnosed with Tourette’s
What does an auro "feel" like?
Would you have surgery?
Do any of you speak German, Japanese or Greek?
My last aura was wild.
I outgrown epilepsy
Experiences with drowsiness while on olanzapine
I made an app to track my tics
i miss my voices so much
Were you a premature baby or did you have complications during pregnancy or birth?