Defund the police, pronouns, DEI, etc.
Two things can be true at the same time - (1) David is a loser that’s not ready to be married and should have left when he knew it was over and (2) Michelle is also a loser that’s not ready to be married and should have left when she knew it was over.
Did I mess up the length? How short for stiff carvers?
Where are the massive protests against Trump's dismantling of US democracy and his 180 on US foreign policy of the last 80 years?
If you cause a lift delay 3 times, you should be banned from a resort
The Camille hate is soooo weirddddd
To the Michelle defenders: why?
Theory for David’s seating style
I don’t t even think David was the worst guy on this season
Unpopular opinion.... Emem....
Madison may have liked Allen if…
Every Bad Trait of David is Michelle's Fault, Damn It!
Madison and David will Forever be 21
I have to know... for all of you who are on here defending David, why?
How to Use Skiing for General Fitness
rAtE my qUiveR
Looking to get better at sending powder
Madison and David are liars
If they don’t want to encourage infidelity why give Madison and David more airtime together?
Looking for an introductory set of binoculars for birding
Why were they going harder at David than Madison, especially Dr Pia???? Madison is the MUCH bigger villian than David is by far
Dude David is such a pos
Which Needles
2 ski quiver, have Volkl Mantra, looking for powder/tight trees option