Being this uncomfortable is… normal?
10w 2d - Fluid at back of head/neck
Deep cleaning and found a lapras poke doll I never knew I had
I don't want my MIL to “help us” with baby.
calling out while pregnant
Good supportive shoes?
Thoughts on sharing the baby’s name?
TIREDDDD ! do you guys do anything??
Do not grade card at GameStop
Low risk NIPT but NT is 4.8
This sums up my experience lately
Cardiac anomaly at 20 weeks scan - how can I even function?
Final weeks of pregnancy - extreme fatigue anyone?
When did y'all start buying maternity clothes and baby clothes?
Feeling hiccups for the first time!!
Is it true some women can grow taller during/post pregnancy? Or is this an old myth?
I'm a new Mom and I had a man ask to hold my baby and before I could respond he just took my baby from me to hold her and passed her on to the ppl he was with.
I smell like pee
Baby has lack of development
What helped you cope with labour pain the best?
Anyone with an anterior placenta feeling kicks like crazy?
When did you stop working? RNs
Possible Fifth disease/Parvovirus B19 at 21 weeks