Pacifier like Dr Browns Happy Paci that is 6months +?
Max 4oz at 3 1/2 months😅
Kedamil Ready To Feed in US?
Stop being desperate to accept crap
WTF with this batch pay?
Not even to 3 months but sleep regression?!
3 months into exclusively pumping
Had to use Formula.
From an oversupplier to a just enougher to an under supplier
Exclusive pumper and on Period
Not everyone can fork out 300 for a Owlet sock
Thrush AGAIN!?
Warning: Baby poop pic. Milk Protein Allergy?
Next diapers?
Baby Vitamin K Shot Alternative
CENTRAL JERSEY (around ocean county/monmouth county area) Are there any places on abandoned world/ that you can actually get into??
Has anyone been here?? How was it/how easy is it to get in?
Got this Zaa only for 24 usd. Is that a W or L?
My first time ordering iced coffee is this how suppose to look and is it suppose to come with milk or just all dark 🤔🤔
New Lids
Shortened cervix of 1.2 cm at 22 weeks😬
how much do you think this tattoo would cost??
Anyone willing to share any spots?