Latest patch nerfed my drip
Только что закончилась самая кровавая война в истории, которую развязали игроки Foxhole – ММО про Вторую Мировую. Кровопролитие смог остановить только сам разработчик. По порядку:
What kind of name is "AK Gen 21 Tactical SMG"?
For the love of Super Earth, please think!
When Charlie war is too persistent for a persistent online war game
There is a chance…
Now seriously, why is this the only weapon in the game that doesn't shoot where you're aiming. Like not even close.
The jungle is watching!
This would be nice
It been 3 months since the Buff Diver patch but I have not seen anyone use the Liberator Concussive, What do you think about it?
Why does she think the Millennium Falcon is garbage?
What is your "I did not care for the godfather" helldiver's opinion
you can add cws to any vehicle's storage from a medical tent by retrieving the patient
Why does nobody in pubs respect the MG-43
What is the nick name of new outlaw btw
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