Upgrading from MMU2S MK3S+ to MMU3 Core One
Cheap new MK4S’s kits in the US
I made a tip for a cream piping bag... cause I needed one
No Mini+ Hardware Upgrade planned
iPad and Bambu Studio
Problem with mk4s Display
Everyone else is...2018 z71
MMU3 Overcurrent firmware hotfix!!!!
Confused on which printer
Well, this is kind of gross. Creality is ad bombing duckduckgo searches for "prusa".
Connecting an incompatible ams to my a1 mini
This has to be the worst part of fo4 by far
Looking for a replacement of my MK3s hotend
New 2th XL, nextruder nightmares
Questions about Prusa XL and Core One features and capabilities
My MK3s Prusas still going strong to this day. I have never anticipated so much life from this machines that has 3D printer parts as structure.
Naturehike Titanium Tent Stove
Someone help!
Pre-release v6.2.3-alpha1 - 6.2.3-alpha Firmware for Original Prusa MK4, MK4S, MK3.9, MK3.9S, MK3.5, MK3.5S
Just got my Core One - is it supposed to bang the extruder against the corner for solid 5 minutes every time it starts a print or changes filament?
Firmware 6.2.2 Loadcell issue?
Prusa MK4 loadcell values.
Prusa Nozzle brass CHT ?
How difficult is assembling a kit?