I married a man 3 months ago who I believed was a true Christian but who turns out to be very abusive
What happened To promos
Warning about a Christian YouTube channel I believe is misleading people
I no longer support this Christian YouTube channel and I felt called to give a warning about it
Does you have involuntary body movements during prayer?
Somebody asked for evidence that Christianity is true. This was my answer.
Born agains who say they rarely or never sin after being saved
(Christian only)What’s your best evidence for Christianity being true?
Uber driver cancelled my ride after I got on the car as I did not say hello
Giving up control over my life to Jesus has been more difficult than I realized (using an example from my own life right now)
Need Help. I have serious trouble believing in the efficacy of fasting.
Jesus showed me the truth about a hidden enemy in my life two days before they stabbed me in the back
What's been your experience with turning away from secular music, movies, TV, books etc?
I gave money to a homeless woman at a gas station yesterday and then something amazing happened
Why do I suddenly get no likes on my Facebook posts???? (I am NOT a business page)
I've been born again almost exactly one year and this is the thing that really took things to the next level for me
What is the take on depression in Christianity nowadays and has it changed from the previous takes?