Proper boundaries and role for therapy if your partner is significantly impaired
Unintentional gaslighting or truly oblivious about situations?
“Just get a hobby”
Partner finally admitted wrongdoing- too little too late ?
The gold digger stereotype
What's the difference between a gold digger and a woman who wants someone financially well off?
Saying one thing and immediately another that contradicts
LGBT Couple and 2 Kids -- Is it possible to raise a healthy family in Singapore?
what to do about sg’s mental health landscape…
Are gold diggers no longer a thing?
Does you stop exisiting when your not in the presence of your partner?
What’s the best real-life example of “f*ck around and find out” that you’ve ever seen?
Whats the point of forgiveness?
I keep wishing something bad would happen to him
Husband forgetting to eat
Has your partner ever had anger outbursts?
ADHD Partner Shuts Down
Closets and Drawers
My fiancé has been on meds and doing therapy since he was dx in childhood. He’s now 40 and really trying but I still feel like I’m his assistant and take on 90% of the load. Does it get better? How?
It’s not that he forgets, it’s his reaction that’s a problem
That small slot that we squeeze into
How to get spouse to see themselves?
Mishearing everything I say and disproportionate emotional outbursts to neutral statements
Adhd and sleep
Mary is shady as fuck.