Why did Delicia cream Badd's shoes? Is she a pervert?
I will buy the game for people in the comments if it comes out, AND I MEAN IT. I know this is a Silkpost guys, I just know it. They are just messing with us.
Sooooo… where’s the Smell O Vision that was in the leaked teaser? :(
Neco arc needs to cool down
This game is amazing
why are they so hot
What does the "fox" say?😉
How is sitting gay?
What is your favorite non-sex related joke in the series?
Jak and Daxter Fanart Drawings
After all these years I finally get it. “Iwatodoai” = “I want to die” because like that’s NOT what you want to do. It’s like the Persona 3 theme and all. You know.
eghhhh I’m jeff
do you think kh's overall story is convoluted or bloated?
Tomar needs to get these monkeys off the streets
A young girl has bought food. On her way home, she must use an airsoft machine gun to avoid being attacked and the food stolen by the monkeys.
Where are the worms I specifically asked for worms on my spit roasted E.T
You gota be past 30 to figure this one out :))
Alright, we owe Cory an apology
I honestly kinda dig it
plastic wrap yourself to a tree
[peak warning] Aigis takes a seat
I’ve been waiting for Hollow Knight: Silksong for 2 years. I get it now. The silksanity. Everything.
Kasumi and Joker go out for lunch (but inflation)
This Zelda CGI feels extra OneyPlays to me.
Zelda CDI Extra Cursed
Wordington is actually falling off
Tomar every bald man be
erm would anyone care to *gulp* partake in lyle fluids with me