Whats your GAMEPLAY related hot take
What is your opinion on Secret Exit
You can choose one only. Choose Wisely.
I know im guilty...
The only time I've had matches time out
YouTube please do something right for once
Why is yourself always smiling, is he depressed
Sonic finds Shadow bloodied up gorgeous (by hanzcaty on DeviantArt)
Craft a sentence that describes this image.
Guys what is that?
Why do they refer the gun mags in games asstuff like 30+1 instead of just 32 and if it's an irl thing then where did it originally come from?
Oooooo bananas
The hotbox is so wierd
I think he's pretty cool, you just need to get good
Shitpost status
Quincy : this is fine . (Inspired by Spice island party)
Which situation?