Game where everyone answers questions based on a secret pattern
Thanks, I hate reproductive Santa theories
lpt: how to talk to a girl that is very vulgar on discord:more on body text
got my dad's permission to post his badass Grinch 2 script which i have said nothing mean about at all.
Piers Morgan Denies He Is The Pigeon Lady In Home Alone 2
Albanese has taken hits but isn't a terrible PM. Cut him some slack
Mythical Island Vent Thread - with a twist!
For those families out there, best use of shared emails and calendars for family?
PSA: RAFFWU now offers free union membership to workers under 18!
YSK Giovanni only adds +10 damage if the attack already does damage; it has no effect on 0 damage attacks.
Hi and G’day! hope I can gather some information to help calm my nerves. I live in California and my BF lives in a suburb of Sydney. For 3 1/2 years always been consistent in communication everyday. 5 days ago it stopped and idk if something happened or a carrier issue. (More description below)
Day 8
Instead of transition lenses...
Tinder asking me what I'm looking for, then ignoring me.
Apple Reportedly Plans to Remove iPhone's SIM Card Tray in More Countries Next Year
Kendrick x Aunty Donna colab
Free Frame mode Go 3 Vs 3s
Sunday sesh for late 30s group
Anyone involved with the RAFFWU?
I destroyed a smoke alarm
How does one respond to this?
Can we report names?
i was about to delete the app then i met him
Inmotion e25 prototype sneak peek video (45km/h, 750Wh, 23kg, IPX6)