Tyler1's AoE farm is going well.
Tyler's group discussing escaping death using Petrification Flask.
Pirate wipes the raid, immediately calls himself out
Soda reacts to Asmongold's take
Soda : Pirate is not a mage, he's a glorified shadow priest with a self power shield
The Tate/MLK connection
Daily Questions Megathread (September 01, 2022)
The beacons
Any sources for the Sororitas Rhino instructions?
dating app messages be like
Four storm bolter sisters to round out my army
New Rules - AOC & Extra M Dice
Old Relic
Clarification for Miracle Dice
The mad lads did it!
Balance Data slate Buff
What is your Warhammer 40 000 weapon?
Hold on bitches!
Baldmongold sees someone familiar
Contrast paints guide, left is wraithbone base, right is grey seer base
Returning player army list
Asda has to be trollin?
Trouble loading the app