what does it take to get listed on big exchanges like binance? does the volume has to be higher or the price itself maybe? do they have to bring back Vine or is a tweet from Elon enough?
so i have a question
My prediction
There will be no trailer tomorrow
Scared what to do next
Honest Question: Why is there so much 'hate' toward XRP and Ripple on X/Twitter?
are we in euphoria fase ?
Is XRP surpassing ETH market cap realistic next year?
2$ mark
Just bought 1500 worth of XRP
SOTE really game us the best end game fight club spot
Will I regret not buying more XRP right now?
New to crypto
Is this thing gonna start running again?
what is the realistic price for HBAR btween now and mid 2025 ?
do i still have time to get 3k XRP or am i too late to the party ( is it still cheap considering its gonna go up ? )
ps5: w: fallingstar beast jaw +10 h: ask mule
ps5: w: fallingstar beast jaw +10 h: ask mule karma
ps5 w: mule and if possible raging wolf helm h: ask or mule
ps5 w: mule h: mule or ask
ps5: w: mule h: ask mule
PS5 W: your time and mule weapons, armor, crafting mats H: ask or dupe them if you wany