I can’t turn this album off😭
ken would go hard on this imo
day one pop out defender
Digital nuts teases deluxe 😭
OPM BABI would've been generational if Swamp Izzo didn't do whatever the hell he did to it😔
toxic and olympian just dem ones
Go back and remind urself what we had
Where would you rank POP OUT among his other intros?
2nd listen made this shit even better
my MUSIC album rankings
Stop the bullshit
Carti making crank
Ain’t it funny how all the singles that came out were better then the new songs on the albums
I'm deadass confused by the hate.
Insane numbers he pulling in.
how it feels no carti verse on twin trim
Y'all overreacting 😭
idk bout yall but
Getting outperformed by a man in his 40s actually wild 😭
funny that this guy actually was right lmao
album shoulda ended here
My (probably irrelevant) take on the album
Ts (this shit) went tf (too far)
I am music
Let it simmer y'all what the fuck you people on this the first day of the album being out and everyone crying.