Sardaco's thoughts on StaySafeTV
I am so unburdened by gear this time around - great PvP changes
Why is Alliance loosing every AV game today?
"Ich werde sterben" - Kurzfilm zur Bundestagswahl
Cameraman incorrectly positions stun AoE to hit most of the raid group
Its not hard ...
Are DPS warriors the worst in dungeons for tanks?
Just chill my dudes...
Been trying to buy the recipe off the vendor for three days. No shot.
I get that party leaders want to HR an item, that's fine, but some of these groups are ridiculous.
What are your Hot Takes on MMORPGS?
Meta sweating is getting worse and worse with every new release
How to get rid of Vue devtools?! I've tried everything, It is blocking an integral part of my app.
Onlyfangs enjoyers
Ahmpy lights up Pirate Software following deaths in Dire Maul
PirateSoft leaves call when asked to take accountability for killing two level 60s in hardcore wow
Dire Maul incident (PirateSoftware, OzyFallz, yamatosdeath, Snupy, Infestors)
Using the primary color I configured with primevue as text color for h1 element
I made a habit tracking app for my girlfriend
Our main tank banned for 6 months for killing bots in blasted lands
Xaryu dead at 59
Guildie dies to blood of heroes and had a mental breakdown
A new king has been crowned.