What I got after 60 pulls :(
43 pack, 1 Ex, how about you?
How are your pull guys?
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Poverty Healthcare LPT: if you have a dangerous dental emergency and can’t afford the dentist, go to the emergency room of a hospital with a large inpatient psychiatric unit/program. They have a dentist on call for patients.
Trying my best not to spend these until the new set comes out😭
3 years ago I was homeless living in my car. This week I hit a personal goal
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This Current C1 Incident Is Such An Important Lesson About Saving Money
If you won 10 mil, what kind of car would you get?
5m winner here. Ask me anything.
Go back into debt?
Im in financially crisis, what should I do?
I’m paying nearly $400 for car insurance. Is that normal?
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$34k CC debt, need advice considering options