Never felt soo smart after watching a video 😭
Why 🤔🤔
Are you all up so early cuz you are a good boy/girl/or whatever or just didn't sleep?
The flautist is back!!!
I've nobody that I can go with to the film I was dying for😭😭
spirits whats wrong with me?
Sorry agar kisko lag rha I'm ignoring lekin ab reddit tabhi kholungi jab 96 ayenge 💅
Trump loves ________
No, Ouija is ________
guys i need 500 to buy jeans can you give me? 😪👍🏻
Cover from last year :-) I'm 15 now lol
Kyle’s mom is a _______. She’s the biggest _______ in the whole wide world.
New porn category just dropped, it’s called _______ porn.
What next big thing is going to happen in 2025?
Joe Biden loves _____
Spirits, I think I have good ______.
You live and then you ____
Yeah, I play _______ in 2025.
Taylor Swift didn't _____ Grammy
Hey ghosts what’s your mood? How you feeling?
No, Elon should BURN in ____
roses are red violets are blue, don’t make me ____ you
Have u guys experienced this??