It seems that the new major updates come out roughly once a month now; what do you hope for the next one?
I'm confused on how the BIS mage SP attack weapon is the purging staff, am I missing something? (tormented demons)
3 lane reconception
Alchemical Water, to help keep the streets clean
Make it 5v5
New map is weird. It’s not bad just weird asf
How its gonna feel playing Deadlock a year from now
Haze and the new update
new map update is fire
The map is way too wide with only 3 lanes
Who asked for three lanes?
In depth coverage of everything in the 25th of February Update - Patch Notice
they should make it 6 lanes next time
Holliday and calico
A reminder that mo krill is a support hero and not a carry hero
Why I love ironman: This "bad" clue just made my day
Leap bebop is peak
Should we just get rid of Hero Labs and have all heroes in one mode?
Still no colorblind support. Thanks Yoshi for doing nothing.
PSA: You can fish uninterrupted while alching/making bolts/etc at moons (dropping also doesn't interrupt the fishing action)
Osrs bots
Shiv pov vs mo krill hmc user
How do you feel about perks?
Two whips one task not bad
Dynamo when he's laning against long range CCs and faster bullet speed heroes