What’s your favourite Renesmee nickname?
If Arthur didn't make it back from getting kidnapped, how would the rest of the gang do without him/how far would they get? 🤔
Sophie Rose Wilson is coming back!
Best online/hybrid toastmasters clubs?
I’ve reached that awkward point in the story…
Pathway selection
If I had a nickel for every time I watched a show that used a play as a recap, I’d have 2 nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it happened twice.
I love her outfit here.
RDR2 Checklist
Frith v Frith - studying and came across this case which made me think of Watership Down
This pictures in the background I'm dying 😭
Grimes Covers
The Best Cartoon to Come Out of 2018
Commentary on her passing
My Little Pony - Christmas Celebrations
Jack saw the post below what was it?
I 🩵 Grimes
Spot the odd one out…
Grimes+ (a playlist I made with her collaborative work)
No matter what Grimes says, this is the best collab she’s ever done
[SPOILER] Did anyone else see this resemblance?
Serious argument alert! who has the cutest munching?
Name me a character named after a U.S. State or any other state outside the U.S.
Blue Hydrangeas always remind me of Lana