Me After someone says Sister Location is the 5th game
Me after seeing the 500th person asked if there allowed here
can’t get this song out of my head😭
How I am even supposed to win this
Guessing your age based off your avatar
I put Artyom in a Valentine's Day outift
Brawl stars tier list based on how likely they are to jump you
Unpopular Opinion: John Cena DOES NOT need to be in a championship match at Wrestlemania! ❌️
What’s your Favorite Online Song?
Me when I ask to be in a tier list and I’m not in it
Which brawlers have (Realistically) the possibility of being deleted from the game in case Supercell has to do it (Buzz Lightyear's tier has the wrong date, it was a confusion)
Finally! After 5 hours of work it is finally done! The entire smash tiers ultimate roster. Now, everyone is here!
What cars you guys drive ?
Ranking yall roles in anime!
Ladies and gentlemen and anyone in between, I present to you: the (almost done) smash tiers ultimate roster.
Which elimination was worse?
In Act 4, Which Mimicking can you hear the most? (I heard GB the most)
Colt has been chosen as Hero so who is his love interest? Most upvoted comment wins.
Ranking brawlers based on rizz
Who do we think sung the best this episode?
Fellas, why are you single? I'll go first
another simping shitpost
pfp ranking woohoo!!!
Screw it, im making the tierlist now