If you knew how juicy and wet my pussy is...
Wash my back?
Don't you dare pull out
We starting with your mouth or your cock?
May I sit?
Fuck me till I can’t stand up straight?
Would you breed me? ;)
Squishy squishy
Are girls with stretch marks still sexy
Need to release this ass
F33 guessing we ain't making it upstairs 😏
Slut? Whore? Baby Girl? What am I to you?
Will you be on top?
I’m 40.. what’s our age gap🤤
If you're into chubby girls tell me your age, I wanna see something
Thick all over
Think you can handle all of me?
Would you want me to ride you or doggystyle to breed me?
Lwt me ride you
Would you fuck a girl my size?
Well hello there, wanna titty fuck?
Wanna touch?
If we were friends and I offered you to fuck me just once, what wld you say?
Would you pull out