31 anos e nunca trabalhei.
Hamburgueria na Vila Madalena. Quase não uso o google para deixar avaliações, alguém sabe se é normal esse tipo de resposta dos restaurantes? Kkkkk
Pedido finalizando sem cobrar impostos
This subreddit's opinion on Gyarados EX 2 weeks ago...
Vicio em poker e mentiras
Someone used EX on NOEX so I wasted their time and won
Não consigo me acostumar com o Brasil?
Não consigo me acostumar com o Brasil novamente?
Korean YGO boosters
All the cards with text revealed in the trailer. Any stand outs?
Revenda de Action Figures
Maybe there should be an EX limit...
Me conte a sua experiência na ccxp!
Immersive Char in NOEX lobby? GGEZ
Stalling to concede
My last 7 promo packs have all been Haunters :(
27 Draws before finally get Venusaur. Any mathematician here to calculate the probability?
Anyone know the pull rate for Venusaur? I’m 0/42 🙃
I got (almost) perfect drops in the new promo event
Am I lucky or is event pull rate better?
Are these even rare ?
First f2p level 50??
Is it common to get everything with only two duplicates?
Second battle first pack