EXP003 R&D Invitation
Join me in developing the coffee for EXP003?
My attempt at a Rosetta
Brewed this up for my second sample from rotation #1 while I was wrapping up at work earlier. Same recipe as my last post (also using origami air S with flat bottom filter, not pictured this time). Feedback in comments.
I can’t wait to try these new beans
How are you brewing EXP002?
Favorite from Rotation #1: Experimental Coffee 001 (Finca Vila Betulia Caturra)
Trying out these switches, what do yall think?
FikaFika Shiu Xiang, Taipei
Seeking beta testers for coffee enthusiast social platform
Help wanted: Get paid in Coffee
New Coffee Friday
Snagged this for $80 on Facebook Marketplace today
Ireland haul
Costa Rican Geisha
Roast variance
Taste after first cup of new bag
Not a bad way to start the morning on a snow day when work gets cancelled.
Impulse Buy Dripper
ROTATION #2 DAK is live
Rotation #1 LIVE
EXP002 Reviews
EXP001 reviews
Bland flavor, almost like dried vegetables. How to fix this?