Wife’s Boyfriend Made Me a Tri-Tip last night
[Draw #100] Welcome to the grand finale to 2024! Let’s pick a winner!
[Entry Thread #100] WE’RE SO BACK! After ninety-nine millionaires and one intermission later, we are now back to making millionaires! Comment to enter, and Happy Holidays!
[Announcement] /r/MillionaireMakers will have its 100th Entry Thread take place this December 15th at 23:00 UTC.
Does anyone have bar recommendations that are spacious enough for large groups?
What are your favorite less-common golf slang terms?
What do you look for in a cold cut sandwich?
People who regularly break 80, what was the move that put you from consistent low 80s (where I am) to consistent high 70s?
What’s the coolest name you’ve ever heard and liked?
No. 24: Eliminating the Most Oscar Nominated Best Picture film, *NON-WINNER's Edition* since 2000 until one is left, the top comment decides
No. 12: Eliminating every Best Picture Film since 2000 until one is left, top comment decides (Last elimination - Slumdog Millionaire, 2008)
Warrior travels through time to protect a woman from another killer out of time.
Unwanted penis on my hike.
Haircuts for introverts?
Bars that can host a large party (20-25)?
Most shameful 5 minutes in Secret Service history
My whole body hurts after sneezing?
Journalists are the enemy
I’ve had 5 sexual partners and only 1 has really cared about my consent
Are there American style buffets in Portland?
Where can I find ketchup chips or sunny d hard seltzer for Mother’s Day?
Why are white people out here so...... you know?
What’s one website that your embarrassed to admit you use a lot?
Tritip smoked