Mental health concerns
I just need to share my proud moment
It’s 11:30 eastern. Where are all the horrific thanksgiving stories of you fighting with your maga moron parents?
What caused you to develop social anxiety?
Please tell me I'm not a horrible mom for doing this
Having a dog is just like having a toddler
Biweekly ask a narcissist thread for visitors/codependents <- Not a narcissist/borderliner/histrionic/sociopath? Use this thread.
Zero screen time for my baby.
The paradox of maternity leave. Perceived ‘freedom’ but still no time to achieve anything.
What are your 4th of July plans
Realistically how do I do this
What's the single worst thing they told you?
Do your parents lack empathy?
Do y’all actually enjoy being parents?
Did anyone else experience overwhelming parental scoldings when growing up?
What did your nparent do that you didn’t realize was abusive until you were an adult?
When will I learn?
I don't deserve my beautiful kids.
How to approach a spouse that spends more than you make (long post)
Why do people suck?
In network provider refusing to bill insurance under in network NPI
Exorbitant Dental Fees
Misleading in-network listing
What would you do? Grandparents booked a conference trip over C-section date.
Purchasing house where murder occurred