Best position to put your johnson in a padded bib?
Trust me, I didn't do it intentionally.
Unintelligent Main Characters that you really liked?
How do you call this style of web design?
Question about watt/kg
Worst character names you’ve seen?
Unstoppable on T2!
Nike's FlyEase concept shoe
The bike lane in my area:
Is this still okay?
Is this the good way to improve my anaerobic ?
Débutant - premier 10km, FC trop élevée ?
Am I pushing too hard as a beginner?
I told people I use Alphafly V1s for zone 2
Is pausing your run cheating?
When did you consider yourself no longer a beginner? When did other's stop seeing you as a beginner?
Ankle wearing
"First Time Getting Sick With Garmin" Post
How many activities posted daily is considered ‘too many’ by you?
Is the world ending?
Is it just on my end or for everyone?
How does your boss know otherwise?
Does anyone put a bullet point on their resume that they do Ironmans? I think it reflects work ethic and self motivation, so I’m putting it in a section under personal activities/interests.
What the hell, are c*clists evolving now??
The spirit of gravel
Which app do you use to share your cycling performance on social media? (if you do)
Anyone else having this issue? Or know how to resolve it? (It is not a built up area). It has increased my distance by about 1.5kms and my pace looks insane, but this was an interval run, and a slow one at that!!