I feel burned out by my curls
Switched nose piercing too soon?
Has anyone watched this video
This is the woman who acts like a innocent wittle baby wherever she goes🫠
Do we think she’s gonna have a full public mental breakdown at some point?
Guys’d she’s Italian.. SHE JUST TANS REALLY WELL. is not incredibly deliberate and misleading.
Am I crazy or does she kinda admit to the affair in these lyrics?
biracial black people: how are y'all feeling about the Beyoncé Bowl & Han discourse on TikTok
Remeber thinking she was very (concerningly) skinny in Yes And. But here is comparison of her now and year ago. Terrifying!
Boyfriend feels like I’m not taking enough interest in his interests?
What is it like to be a person of colour in mostly white culture/community?
Ariana at the palm springs international film awards
How do I get rid of some the internalized rage/anger?
Ndad making me feel guilty for only coming home Christmas day
N's constantly making noise
My dad calls and texts me multiple times a day and it’s driving me crazy
Things I didn't realize were common among narcs until I found this sub
I'm dying to know what Dr. Lilly Jay really thinks of Ariana
Lilly and Ethan discussing Lilly’s privacy
why does she look so different here?
In light of Dr. Lilly Jay’s essay I thought I would reshare Bowen Yang and Matt Rogers pro Ariana rant from March where they blatantly lie and bash Lilly. These are the kinds of humans Ariana surrounds herself with.
Look at this shit, lmao
do most narcs have similar childhoods?
How did you feel about your parents as a little kid?
how to not compare my family to my roommates’ families?