"Those" People Online Starter Pack
[GHOSTS]why everyone say ghosts takes place in 2027?
LIVE NOW 🔴 AMA with Campfire Girl Takibi 🔥
Just gunna leave this here
James disappointed us ☹️
Would you burn someone's childhood stuffed animal for $100?
Which SEES girl is best girl?
Technology Is Always Demonized.
Post apocalyptic worlds that WEREN’T cause by zombies or zombie adjacent creatures
No way they built Neu Berlin (look at the inclined buildings ahead as well)
Egypt's New Parliament
Persona reference in Arkham Shadow??
Which of my interests are ya'll also interested in?
Anon discusses Reddit atheists
thought this belonged here
Which presidency is most tainted by war?
Hey y’all, did any of you go also go through the creepypasta phase?
How do i get killed
Most vaccinated people will not understand this one
How to future-proof my PS3? (CECHH01)
What would you say is a good starter for Persona series?
Works With the Inverse Law of Fandom Levity Rule (Read Body)
Rate my childhood (2009 - 2015)
Guess what year I was born based on things from my childhood
Which of the SEES girls is most likely to find a new boyfriend?
Been holding onto this screenshot before I found this sub. Please tell me why the fuck this exists.