V USA končí demokracie, varuje Snyder. Muskovi lidé nelegálně přebírají kontrolu nad všemi počítačovými systémy klíčovými pro stát
Show your rusfor guns
These people are insane
Víš, že jsi test pěkně podělal, když ti učitel napíše toto
Russian VDV troops during an operation in the mountain gorge of Bass River, Chechnya. 2000 [2160×1221]
Subnautica 2 protagonists
Is it normal that my dog really wants to make out with me?
WTF is that??? took on Kurva #2, barely any mods
Took me this long to realize this.. 💀
21h played in 2 days. Starting to think I've already found my GoTY. Such a gorgeous, immersive, cinematic and interactive experience. I'm not playing a game, I live in this world. And the combat is *chefs kiss*
[Suggestion] Prestige dogtags should give double the bonus in Hall of Fame
Ženy do vedoucích pozic nepatří řekl kamarád.
Buffer Tube SKS with a Stendo and terrible paint job
BSG, We have a Problem.
Killing a floor-cheater after he wiped Kollontay, maybe was in raid 4 minutes. Thanks for the free stuff bozo, enjoy buying a new account! [Video]
Doufám že se časem všechna reklama přesune do virtuálního světa
What's your least favorite map and why? I'm not very fond of woods and shoreline because of all the running in forests.
Tuší prosím někdo co za skupiny vylepuje tyto nálepky po městě? Je to skoro na každé pouliční lampě.
Finaly there is a game that understands ultrawide gaming. The new UI shines on 32:9
Inshallah Buccee's will prevail
MG3 7.62 GPMG carried by a Chilean soldier during the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake [990x685]
Petition to add this to the german tank tree
I think he's real
Yes folks, this is a true masterpiece, better than the first game. Some might consider “best game they ever played” plus this clip showcases amazing writing 👏👏