Happy Valentinos!
What do you think about Gothic: Diccuric?
Is it possible to adjust ISACA CPE Cycles to a Different Timeframe?
Is it OK for someone with Fibromyalgia to drink Coke Zero or Diet Coke?
"to spend gas on" (or gasoline/petrol)
AITA for not reacting to a false accusation and not letting it get to me?
WIBTA for taking all three of my gaming consoles with me when I move out and leaving my family with none of them?
[Humor] New face of ISACA
a Russian-speaking woman from New Zealand, says she (practically) cured Fibromyalgia and dedicated her Youtube channel to it
Does any music remind you of Gothic 1/2 ambient soundtrack?
"looney toon cartoons" in the old History of Malware
Do CPEs cycle remain singular for all ISACA certs, do CPEs carry across for new cerifications?
Can it theoretically be NOT fibromyalgia if there is major vitamin D deficiency?
I need words of encouragement
Does there exist CISSP-like "Group B" CPE for ISACA CISA?
I'm a woman living in Syria. AMA
iPhone 11 stuck in recovery
Am I shadowbanned?
Am I
Am i
Am I?