Need help finding a song that samples Phantogram
Zigzagoon challenge
The Pickup Artist | Zigzagoon Solo HoF
After 4 hours I can finally leave this route
Big Task Chest / Crate / Box Opening!
Emulator recommendations
Leaf Green Complete | My first POC
self destruct
First time playing Emerald, here is my team :)
1st Play through in over a decade
This is the result of my training!
How do you play
The BEST HM Slave that EVER DID IT!!
✨ Holy. Shiiiiiiiiiiiit. ✨
Guys I found my shiny treecko🦎💚✨ 93days after my first shiny zigzagoon, 4days after my 2nd shiny zigzagoon 😤😮💨
The Zigzagoon arc continues...
Game corner shiny help
The Zigzagoon challenge.
How’s my Battle frontier team
What "big games" that you never played before are you looking into playing this year?
Is there any reason to play Ruby or Sapphire instead of Emerald?
GBA pokemon collection
Finally a team worthy of the HoF