Christian woman thinks “NASA is fake”
If you could make custom quick chats, what would you choose? excluding bannable profanity lol
Photos of normal in the foreground and 9/11 unfolding in the background.
i can only guess where this is going
What in god's name are you blathering about?
Video of Feb 17th Crash
My Female Students Keep Falling in Love with Me
Cybertruck driver left me this wild threatening note because I glared at him for parking in a handicap spot with no ADA placard
16yo wants to go on a boys trip, 17 hours away
I hate Snapchat.
Uhhh…I’m just gonna find a cash machine.
She did it for him
Rate my cat
Website ?
My city subreddit continues to meltdown. They’re now calling for “we the people” to meet in our state capital for a general strike.
An Airline guy's worthless two cents
Who is this Im probably old
Army Aviation leadership killed 67 people today
Beans on toast
What stores to avoid that support Trump?
I don’t think Redband is good coffee. I’ll see myself out.
Can’t post on r/veterans but I resigned from my American Legion tonight and need to vent
4 year old Jewish boy, Istvan Reiner, smiling for his portrait shortly before he was executed in Auschwitz. 1944.
Continental O-470-S making metal. How much is too much?