Actual size of a hormonal IUD, pencil sharpener for scale
Ich (W27) wurde vor einem Jahr mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störung diagnostiziert.
ELI5 Please explain the "grow at all cost" mentality?
Verwirrt um die Demo letzten Donnerstag
I need help getting marker off these containers
Reckless driver barred from holding licence he didn't have
Arzt/Ärztin, die sich gut mit Ernährung bei Divertikulitis auskennt?
CMV: People have no idea how to wear perfume or cologne
'I wouldn't advise going to Malta on holiday,' Ridley Scott said after his movie got €47 million from Maltese taxpayers
Toilet with a view in Austria
TIL about latex-fruit syndrome, an allergy to both latex and fresh fruits including bananas, tomatoes, kiwis, and avocados. This is because they share similar protein structures.
WTF wieso schwirren um diese Jahreszeit Insekten draußen herum?
Mannequin permanent resident in dental waiting room.
Rax plateau, Lower Austria [OC] [3456x4608]
How to reply when someone say ‘Kiitos’
Moroccan Chicken Tagine with Vegetables, Keto Freindly recipe !
It's fascinating that a subreddit this big can have so much spam.
Experiencing discrimination in healthcare
First breathwork session: Is it normal to feel like it was an induced panic attack with tingling all over?
Can anybody help me with my research on Austria?
Just Can’t Help it, buggirl(me), acrylic on canvas, 2025
Charakterzug, Erziehung oder Spleen, wenn man es nicht schafft, beim Adventskalender die Türchen in der falschen Reihenfolge zu öffnen?
Wieviel Geld werdet ihr heuer für Weihnachtsgeschenke ausgeben?
Alltag ohne Arbeit
Just failed one of those job "personality test"